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According to a report by the Russian News Agency on March 20, Russian law enforcement sources revealed that a man was sentenced and expelled from Russian citizenship by the Krasnodar District Court for spreading military-related rumors.

Reports said that in July 2023, Russian Alexander Somryakov was sentenced to six years in prison for deliberately spreading false information about the Russian army. The man posted a post on social networks about Russian troops suspected of committing crimes in Mariupol and other places.

Somryakov pleaded guilty to some facts at a trial in July last year, saying he knew that the information released was false. But he wanted the information to be tried by the public and to attract traffic.

The report pointed out that before this, there had been no cases of convictions and revocation of citizenship in Russia under the Criminal Code.

In October 2023, the “The Russian Federation Citizenship Law” came into effect, which includes a system of cancellation of nationality. Offences against public and personal security are one of the grounds for being convicted of revocation of nationality. At the same time, the decision to revoke nationality is not affected by the time of the crime, the date of sentence and the date of naturalization. (Compiled by Li Ran)