If you see a girl without a small bag on her back when shopping, you will be particularly surprised. It is every girl’s wish to choose a bag that suits her and bring it to complete a great street fear.In addition to these aspects, chanel bags 2024 The performance in other aspects is also relatively good, which has attracted everyone’s attention and research. https://poposhoes.top/


  First of all, you must choose your favorite bag style. If you accept the bag in your heart, you will have confidence to use it to match all kinds of beautiful clothes.


  After choosing the style of the bag, continue to look at your favorite color, or you can match it according to your own clothes. Here is a little knowledge: don’t choose a bag with the same color as the clothes, it’s really ugly (except black and white).


  I prefer soft materials, such as soft cowhide and sheepskin. Of course, PU bags are also acceptable, but the general quality of PU bags will not be much guaranteed. After all, the price difference between cowhide and PU is quite large.


  The choice of bags in summer and winter is also very different. In summer, clothes are thin, and carrying a relatively large bag type may better set off your own differences. There are more clothes in winter, and matching a relatively small bag will not attract too much attention.